(a) It is unlawful for any person, utility, or public utility, without first obtaining a permit so to do from the director of public works-city engineer, to perform any work within the public rights-of-way or any street or sidewalk or within any city-owned property in the city, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Construction or repair of any sidewalk, driveway approach, curb or gutter;
(2) Cutting, breaking, or removing any curb;
(3) Excavating in, digging up, displacing, breaking or otherwise damaging any public street or sidewalk; or
(4) Performing any work on poles or overhead lines and associated overhead structures located in the public rights-of-way at or above any public street or sidewalk.
(b) In cases of an emergency nature, including, but not limited, to leaking or ruptured gas or water lines, it shall be a sufficient compliance with this section if the necessary permit is obtained on the next succeeding business day after an emergency opening has been made, provided the person, utility, or public utility making the opening has provided barriers and lighting adequate to protect the public in accordance with the city's public works standard drawings and construction specifications.