§ 16.17.070.  

Latest version.
  • Section 140.0 - Performance and Prescriptive Compliance Approaches. Section 140.0 of the 2019 California Energy Code is amended to as follows:
    (b) The requirements of Sections 120.0 through 130.5 (mandatory measures for nonresidential, high-rise residential and hotel/motel buildings) and: for all newly constructed buildings and additions, including new equipment installed to serve additions:
    1. The entire solar zone, as specified in Section 110.10, shall have a solar PV system installed that meets the minimum qualification requirements as specified in Joint Appendix JA11, subject to the exceptions in Section 110.10.
    A. Exception to 140.0(b)1. Additions.
    2. Electric-Ready Mixed-Fuel Buildings. Mixed-fuel buildings shall meet the following requirements:
    A. Water Heating
    i. A dedicated 240 volt 30-amp electrical receptacle is required, that is connected to the electric panel with conductors of adequate capacity, within 3 feet from the water heater and accessible to the water heater with no obstructions.
    ii. Both ends of the unused conductor shall be labeled with the words "For Future Heat Pump Water Heater" and shall be electrically isolated.
    iii. A condensate drain is required, that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of the installed water heater and allows natural draining without pump assistance.
    iv. Water heaters shall be located in an area with a minimum of 700 cubic feet of volume, or a ducting plan is required for eight-inch supply and exhaust ducts to the exterior or to a space with 700 cubic feet of volume.
    Exception to 140.0(b)2.A.iv. The space and ventilation requirements may be reduced to conform with the manufacturer's recommendations for a specific heat pump hot water heater that meets the requirements of Sections 110.0, 110.1 and 110.3.
    1. Clothes Drying
    i. A dedicated 240-volt, 40 amp electrical receptacle is required that is connected to the electric panel with conductors of adequate capacity, within 3 feet of the appliance and accessible with no obstructions.
    ii. Both ends of the unused conductor shall be labeled with the words "For Future Heat Pump Clothes Drying" and be electrically isolated.
    2. Cooktop or Range.
    i. A dedicated 240-volt, 50 amp electrical receptacle that is connected to the electric panel with conductors of adequate capacity, within 3 feet of the appliance and accessible with no obstructions.
    ii. Both ends of the unused conductor shall be labeled with the words "For Future Inductive Range" and shall be electrically isolated.
    EXCEPTION to 140.0(b)2.A, B, and C: If gas or propane plumbing is not installed for the specified end uses.
    3. Other Gas Equipment.
    i. For equipment that is specified or connected to natural gas or propane plumbing, the building shall include designated raceways and reserved capacity on the main electrical panel and subpanels, if applicable, sufficient to power electric equipment that provides the equivalent function to the intended function of the gas equipment; or,
    ii. If gas plumbing exists but no gas equipment is specified or connected, the building shall include designated raceways and reserved capacity on the main electrical panel and subpanels, if applicable, sufficient to provide equivalent power at a maximum gas flow rate under normal gas service pressure. Plans shall include calculations for delivered gas power and equivalent electrical power, conductors, raceway sizes and panel capacities.
    Exception to 140.0(b)2.D. If the applicant demonstrates that there is no viable electrical equipment that can perform the intended function of the gas equipment.
    4. All newly installed raceways between the main electric panel and any subpanels, and the point at which the conductors serving the building connect to the common conductors of the utility distribution system shall be sized for conductors adequate to serve all of the building's electrical requirements, including PV as specified in Section 140.0(b)1 and future electric loads as specified in Section 140.0(b)2.
    5. If the building includes an electrical transformer(s) feeding the main panel or any subpanels, the transformer(s) shall be located in a space large enough to accommodate a transformer(s) with a rated capacity sufficient to serve all of the building's electrical requirements, including PV as specified in Section 140.0(b)1 and future electric loads as specified in Section 140.0(b)2.
    (Ord. 5485 § 1 (part), 2019)