§ 16.28.120. Interim erosion and sediment control and storm water pollution prevention plan.  

Latest version.
  • All the following information shall be provided with respect to conditions existing on the site during land-disturbing or filling activities or soil storage:
    (a) Maximum surface runoff from the site shall be calculated using the method approved by the city engineer and maintained in the Manual of Standards, or any other method proven to the city engineer to be as or more accurate.
    (b) The interim erosion and sediment control and storm water pollution prevention plan (also referred to, collectively, as "interim plan") shall also contain the following information:
    (1) A delineation and brief description of the measures to be undertaken to retain sediment on the site, including, but not limited to, the designs and specifications for sediment detention basins and traps; silt fences; straw bales; and stabilized construction entrances, and a schedule for their maintenance and upkeep;
    (2) A delineation and brief description of the surface runoff and erosion control measures to be implemented, including, but not limited to, types and method of applying seeds and mulches, and designs and specifications for diverters, dikes, and drains, and a schedule for their maintenance and upkeep;
    (3) A delineation and brief description of the vegetative measures to be used, including, but not limited to, types of seeds and fertilizer and their application rates, the type, location and extent of pre-existing and undisturbed vegetation types, and a schedule for their maintenance and upkeep;
    (4) A delineation and brief description of the measures to be implemented to control potential storm water pollution during construction from sources including, but not limited to, construction material storage and disposal; vehicle/equipment cleaning, maintenance, and fueling; dewatering; paving; saw cutting; concrete/mortar placement; and painting, and a schedule for their maintenance and upkeep.
    (c) The location of all the measures listed by the applicant under subsection (b) of this section shall be depicted on the grading plan, or on a separate plan at the discretion of the city engineer.
    (d) An estimate of the cost of implementing and maintaining all interim erosion and sediment control measures must be submitted in a form acceptable to the city engineer.
    (e) The applicant may propose the use of any erosion and sediment control techniques in the interim plan provided such techniques are proven to be as or more effective than the equivalent best management practices contained in the Manual of Standards.
    (Ord. 4564 § 1 (part), 1999)