§ 18.76.030. Variance  

Latest version.
  • (a) Purpose
    The purpose of a variance is to:
    (1) Provide a way for a site with special physical constraints, resulting from natural or built features, to be used in ways similar to other sites in the same vicinity and zoning district; and
    (2) Provide a way to grant relief when strict application of the zoning regulations would subject development of a site to substantial hardships, constraints, or practical difficulties that do not normally arise on other sites in the same vicinity and zoning district.
    (b) Applicability
    Variances may be granted to the following:
    (1) Site development regulations (except limitations on residential density and size of establishment) and parking and loading regulations (except those accessible parking regulations mandated by state and/or federal law and contained in Chapter 18.54) applicable within any district established by this title (Zoning);
    (2) The special requirements that apply to site development and parking and loading regulations applicable within any district established by this title (Zoning), except provisions which restrict expansion of grandfathered uses that are subject to the special requirements of a specific zoning district. Special requirements in any district do not include special provisions and exceptions as set forth in Chapters 18.40 and 18.42 except for the location of accessory buildings;
    (3) The requirements of Title 20 (Precise Plans);
    (4) The requirements of Chapter 16.24 (Fences) except Sections 16.24.040 (Fences at Intersections) and 16.24.070 (Prohibited Fences);
    (c) Findings - General
    Neither the director, nor the city council on appeal, shall grant a variance, unless it is found that:
    (1) Because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including (but not limited to) size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, the strict application of the requirements and regulations prescribed in this title substantially deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and in the same zoning district as the subject property. Special circumstances that are expressly excluded from consideration are:
    (A) The personal circumstances of the property owner, and
    (B) Any changes in the size or shape of the subject property made by the property owner or his predecessors in interest while the property was subject to the same zoning designation.
    (2) The granting of the application shall not affect substantial compliance with the regulations or constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and in the same zoning district as the subject property, and
    (3) The granting of the application is consistent with the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan and the purposes of this title (Zoning), and
    (4) The granting of the application will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience.
    (d) Findings - Flag Lot
    In addition to the above-listed findings, in the case of a flag lot, neither the director, nor the city council on appeal, shall grant a variance, unless it is found that:
    (1) The granting of the application will not disrupt established neighborhood character and aesthetics, and will not affect the health of the residents by significantly blocking out light and air;
    (2) The granting of the application will not result in excessive paving, parking, potential traffic conflicts on busy streets, street tree removal or loss of private landscaping;'
    (3) The granting of the application will not negatively impact the privacy and quiet enjoyment of adjoining single-family residences, for both indoor and outdoor use.
    (e) May Not be Granted for Unauthorized Use
    A variance shall not be granted for a parcel that authorizes a use or activity that is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zone regulations governing the subject property.
    (f) Conditions
    In granting variances, reasonable conditions or restrictions may be imposed if appropriate or necessary to protect the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience, and to secure the purposes of this title (Zoning).
    (g) Application Review and Action
    Applications for variances shall be reviewed and acted upon as set forth in Section 18.77.060 (Standard Staff Review Process).
    (Ord. 4826 § 117 (Exh. 2 (part)), 2004)